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Privacy policy

Valid from Sat. June 10, 2024
Personal data and usage data that we collect

When creating a profile at AiSpotter, we collect this personal data:

  1. Name
  2. Email

This information is provided voluntarily by you and you warrant its authenticity and that it relates specifically to you.

Use of the personal data and usage data we collect

Your information is used for:

  1. Activating/deactivating your profile
  2. Customizing user data for your account
  3. Processing your inquiries
  4. Improving our service through data analysis and research
  5. Securing and maintaining our systems
  6. Compliance with legal requirements or legal claims
  7. Improving your user experience
  8. Usage data can be anonymized and shared with third parties for analytical purposes without personal identification
Legal basis

Processing of your data is done on the following basis under GDPR:

  1. Contract fulfillment
  2. Legitimate interests, as long as these do not override your rights
  3. Legal obligations
  4. Your consent for specific purposes
Disclosure of Information

Personal data can be disclosed:

  1. When the law requires it
  2. In case of disputes
  3. Anonymized data may be shared with third parties to develop new services
  4. When selling or transferring the business

Your data is not kept longer than necessary and is deleted or anonymized when it no longer serves its purpose, except in specific circumstances such as legal requirements or disputes.

Your Rights

You have the right to update, delete, or restrict the use of your data. Contact us directly to exercise your rights.

Changes in the Privacy Policy

Any changes will be communicated via our website. It is your responsibility to keep yourself updated.

Safety and security

We take measures to protect your data, but no system is flawless. Please contact us immediately if you suspect any misuse of your data.
