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Disclaimer of liability

AiSpotter assumes no responsibility for any errors in pricing or misprints that may occur on our platform. In addition, AiSpotter disclaims any liability for events that are beyond our reasonable control. This includes, but is not limited to, technical breakdowns, power outages, internet connection disruptions, vandalism (including physical damage, computer viruses and hacking) and misuse of personal information. Users should be aware that even with security measures, unforeseen events may occur for which AiSpotter cannot be held responsible.

Data Accuracy

AiSpotter endeavors to provide accurate and up-to-date data, but we cannot guarantee that all information on our website is correct, complete or current at all times. AiSpotter cannot therefore be held responsible for inaccuracies or errors in the data presented through our services, and we disclaim any liability for damages or losses that may arise from reliance on this data.

By using AiSpotter's services, you accept these terms and recognize that AiSpotter performs its services under the mentioned restrictions.

Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution

Applicable Legislation: These Terms are governed by the laws of Denmark. Any disputes that may arise in connection with these Terms or the use of AiSpotter's services shall be brought before and settled by Danish courts. This includes, but is not limited to, questions regarding the validity, interpretation and enforcement of the terms.

Exclusive Jurisdiction: By using AiSpotter's services, you agree that Danish courts have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute that may arise between you and AiSpotter. This applies regardless of where the dispute arises and includes all issues relating to the validity, interpretation and enforcement of the Terms.

These extended terms provide a clearer understanding of your rights and obligations as a user of AiSpotter's services and ensure that you are informed about our responsibilities and legal framework.
